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Study Partner Request
A Study Partner is a student who can help you learn new academic skills and maximize your own strengths. We can help with setting learning goals, note-taking and test-taking strategies, time and resource management, and review. We can even be your sounding board if you just want to talk through the material.
Please note that if a tutor for your course or major is available through a department or other service, we will request that you attempt to work with them before a Study Partner is assigned to you.
To request a Study Partner, please complete the form below. If you have any questions, please email
Your Info
Please let us know the following information about you.
Merrimack Email Address
Preferred First Name
Last Name
Merrimack ID Number
Preferred Pronouns
Preferred Pronouns
She, Her, Hers
They, Them, Theirs
He, Him, His
Your Course/Subject
Please let us know the following information about your interest working with a Study Partner.
General Study Skills
ACC2203 Accounting for Business
ACC3303 Intermediate Accounting I
ACC3308 Cost Accounting
ACC4010 Business Enterprise Internship
ACC4407 Taxes
ACC5050 Foundations of Accounting
ACC5080 Intro to Federal Income Taxation
ACC5225 Ethics in the Accounting Prof.
ACC5310 Accounting Information Systems
ACC5340 Business Law for Accountants
ACC5350 Criminal Tax Investigation
ACC5360 Forensic Accounting
ACC5370 Cybersecurity
ACC5410 Accounting Analytics
ACC5420 Personal Tax Planning
ACC5430 Estate and Gift Taxation
ACC5550 Adv. Flow Through Tax Entities
ART1210 Creative Drawing I
ART1610 Art and Culture I:Prehist to Ren
ART1710H Foundations of Making - Honors
ART2220 Illustration
ART2690 Postmodern Art and Beyond
ART3300 Professional Practice
ART3450 Basic Digital Photography
ART4900 Directed Study-Art/Art HIst
ART4910 Art/Art History Internship
ASC1050 Optimizing Academic Success
ATR5301 Clinical Decision Making II
ATR5301G Clinical Decision Making II
ATR5400 Clinical Exam and Diagnosis I
ATR5400G Clinical Exam and Diagnosis I
ATR5500 Phys Agents and Mech Modalities
ATR5500G Phys Agents and Mech Modalities
ATR6301 Clinical Decision Making IV
ATR6350 Cult Competence Health Care Adm.
ATR6600 Research Methods in Clin. Pract.
ATR6650 Intro to Medical Imaging
BIO1025 Intro to Biological Sciences
BIO1025L Intro to Biological Science Lab
BIO1027 Principles of Biology I
BIO1027L Principles of Biology I Lab
BIO1106 Human Biology
BIO2010 Ecology
BIO2010L Ecology Lab
BIO3037 Cellular Biochemistry I
BIO3037L Cellular Biochemistry I Lab
BIO3038 Molecular Biology and Biotech
BIO3038L Molecular Biology + Biotech Lab
BIO3045 Microbiology
BIO3045L Microbiology Lab
BIO3060 Plant Biology
BIO3060L Plant Biology Lab
BIO3065W Natural Medicine - Writ Intensiv
BIO4092 Directed Study/Research
BIO4095 Biology Internship
BIO4096 Senior Thesis Research
BIO5038 Molecular Bio + Biotechnology
BIO5038L Molecular Biology + Biotech Lab
BIO5045 Microbiology
BIO5045L Microbiology Lab
BIO5065 Natural Medicine
BIO6001 Survey Methods in Bio Research
BIO6011 Graduate Research
BUA6110 Predictive/Prescriptive Analytic
BUA6210 Data Mining
BUA6310 Business Analytics Capstone
CEN2001 Site Engineering
CEN2001L Site Design Lab
CEN3010 Structural Analysis
CEN3020 Geotechnical Engineering
CEN3020L Geotechnical Engineering Lab
CEN3045 Water Resources + Hydraulics
CEN3071 Introduction to GIS
CEN4016 Concrete Analysis and Design
CEN4020 Foundation Engineering
CEN4030 Environmental Design
CEN4042 Traffic Engineering
CEN5016 Concrete Analysis and Design
CEN5020 Foundation Engineering
CEN5030 Environmental Design
CEN5042 Traffic Engineering
CEN5071 Introduction to GIS
CHM1110 General Chemistry I
CHM1110L General Chemistry I Lab
CHM1610 Investigations in Chemistry I
CHM2037 Nursing Biochemistry
CHM2210 Organic Chemistry I
CHM2210L Organic Chemistry I Lab
CHM2220 Organic Chemistry II
CHM2220L Organic Chemistry II Lab
CHM2320 Inorganic Chemistry
CHM2320L Inorganic Chemistry Lab
CHM2630 Investigations in Chemistry III
CHM3010 Chemistry + Biochemistry Seminar
CHM3570L Biophysical Chemistry Lab
CHM3570W Biophysical Chemistry Writ Int
CHM4800 Directed Study
CHM4910 Directed Research I
CME5100 Community Engagement Thry + Prac
CME6130 Social Policy for Children + Fam
CME6140 Diver., Equity + Soc Just in CE
CME6150 Social Justice Educ in Action
CME6160 DEI Theory, Policy, Prac in CE
CME6210 Fundraising, Grant Wrting, Devel
CME6220 Community Org and Development
CME6310 The Politics of Comm. Engagement
CME6320 Institutional Partnerships
CME6410 Mentoring Urban Youth
CME6520 Community Arts Engagement
CME6600 Comm.Engagement Prof Experience
CMH5020 Research and Evaluation
CMH5035 Group Counseling
CMH5080 Counseling Skills and Techniques
CMH5100 Trauma + Crisis Intervention
CMH5130 Diversity and Culture Counseling
CMH5200 History and Foundations
CMH6010 Internship I
COM1020 Public Communication
COM2010W Research Inquiry
COM2401 Introduction to Media
COM2801 Introduction to Communication
COM3360 Visual Communication
COM3401 Principles of Public Relations
COM3403 Writing for Strategic Comm
COM3422 Intro to Television Production
COM3423 Field Production
COM3450 Basic Digital Photography
COM3452 News and New Media I
COM3850 Communication Internship
COM3851 Communication Internship
COM4132 Mass Media + American Politics
COM4510 Persuasion + Social Influence
COM4625 Health Communication
COM4900 Senior Seminar
COM5200 Industry Research
COM5300 Digital Storytelling
COM5360 Writing for Strategic Comm
COM5900 Capstone in Communication
CRI1000 Seminar in Critical Inquiry
CRI1000L Seminar in Critical Inquiry Lab
CRM1000 Introduction to Criminology
CRM1000H Intro to Criminology - Honors
CRM1100 The Criminal Justice System
CRM2000 Youth, Deviance and Crime
CRM2100 Criminal Courts and Sentencing
CRM2200 Corporate and White Collar Crime
CRM2300 Hate Crimes
CRM2450 Homicide
CRM2900 Police Culture
CRM3000 Society and Law
CRM3700 Forensic Criminal Investigation
CRM4000W Research Methods in Crim - Wr In
CRM4500 Statistics in Criminology
CRM4800 Criminology Internship
CRM4850 Criminology Internship
CRM4902 Forensic Behavioral Analysis
CRM5000 Criminological Theory
CRM5002 Forensic Behavioral Analysis
CRM6020 CRCL Homeland Security
CRM6240 Adv. Research Methods and Eval
CRM6510 CCJ Fellowship Seminar
CRM6520 Police Academy Seminar I
CRM6810 Capstone Seminar
CSC1610 Problem Solving with Java
CSC1611 Problem Solving with Python
CSC2710 Analysis of Algorithms I
CSC2820 Data Structures
CSC3210 Computer Graphics
CSC3320 Operating Systems
CSC3810 Database Principles
CSC4910 Computer Science Capstone
CSC5030 Advanced Algorithms
DES1230 Elements of 2D Design
DES2830 Graphic Design Studio I
DES2840 Visual Storytelling
DES2850 Videography
DES3850 History of Graphic Design
DES4900 Directed Study-Design
DES4910 Design Internship
DSA5010 Foundations of Data Management
DSA5020 Foundations Statistical Analysis
DSA5100 Data Exploration
DSA5300 Data Governance, Laws and Ethics
DSE1001 Foundations of Data Science I
DSE1002 Foundations of Data Science II
DSE3001 Data Mining Predict Analytics I
DSE3800 Special Topics in Data Science
DSE4000 Data Science Internship
DSE6111 Predictive Modeling
DSE6211 Machine Learning
DSE6311 Data Science Capstone
ECO1203 Principles of Microeconomics
ECO1204 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO2201 Intermediate Micro-Economics
ECO3305 Ecological Economics
ECO3310 Money and Finance
EDU2110 Foundations and Principles of Ed
EDU2210 Child Growth and Development
EDU2210H Child Growth and Development
EDU2310 Intro to Early Childhood Educat.
EDU2410 The Exceptional Learner
EDU2500 Pre-Practicum First
EDU2510 Pre-Practicum Second
EDU2520 Pre-Practicum 3
EDU3210 Psychology of Learning + Assess.
EDU3310 Teaching Reading and Lang. Arts
EDU3340 Teaching Mathematics and Tech.
EDU3360 Teach. Science, Health, + Phy Ed
EDU3480 Curr + Content Spec Pedagog Mthd
EDU4040 Reading in the Content Areas
EDU4220 Differentiation and Inclusion
EDU4221 Positive Learning Environments a
EDU4320 Teaching Social Studies
EDU4340 Children's Literature
EDU4500 Language Acquisition + Lit Devel
EDU4582 Sheltered English Instruction
EDU4900 Practicum -Moderate Disabilities
EDU4901 Practicum - Middle School
EDU4902 Practicum - Secondary School
EDU4903 Practicum - Elementary School
EDU4905 Practicum - Early Childhood
EDU4921 Seminar:Practicum Implementation
EDU5000 Critical Issues in Education
EDU5010 Curr.Instr+Asses. in SS + W.Geo
EDU5020 Curric Inst + Assess in Sc/H/PE
EDU5190 Core Math:Numbers-Operations
EDU5200 Reading Strat and Intervention
EDU5300 Teaching Early Childhood STEAM
EDU5370 CurrInstr/Asses: Earl Child R-LA
EDU5380 Curr.Instr/Asses in EC Math
EDU5530 Assm of ELLs:Equ in Form + St As
EDU5560 Teaching Content to Eng Lang Lrn
EDU5580 Literature in Cult + Ling Div Cl
EDU5590 Current Issues and Trends in ELL
EDU5611 Project Based Digital Literacy
EDU5710 Challenges Learning Development
EDU5720 Foundations of Lang + Reading
EDU5730 Math Methods Elementary School
EDU5740 Inclusive Classrooms
EDU5750 Intro to Early Child Education
EDU5800 Curric Design Mid/Sec Classroom
EDU5810 Assessment and Inst. For Mod Dis
EDU5820 Sheltered English Instruction
EDU5850 Information Tech in Education
EDU5880 Literacies in Content Areas
EDU5900 Linguistic Foundations
EDU5910 Foundations for ESL Education
EDU6050 Methods for Teaching Midd + Sec
EDU6100 Research + Emerging Issues in Ed
EDU6120 Teach Sci + Soc Sci for Mod Dis
EDU6140 Diversity + Social Justice in Ed
EDU6500 Pre-Practicum Field Experience
EDU6505 Pre-Practicum Field Exper.
EDU6507 Pre-Prac Field Based Exp
EDU6510 Practicum Seminar
EDU6520 Practicum in Early Child Edu P-2
EDU6521 Practicum: Elementary
EDU6522 Practicum: Moderate Disabilities
EDU6523 Practicum: ESL (PreK-6)
EDU6524 Practicum - Mid and Sec Ed 5-12
EDU6850 Capstone in Education
EDU6930 Leadership Thru School Improve
EDU6940 Leadership Teacher Effectiveness
EDU6960 Innovative Leadership Project
EEN2130 Circuit Theory I
EEN2130L Circuit Theory I Lab
EEN3210 Electronics I
EEN3270 Energy Generation/Conserv/Tech
EEN4145 Discrete Time Signals and System
EEN4555 Power Engin and Power Quality
EEN4705 Special Topics
EEN4960 Design Project I
EMP6001 New Product Development
EMP6002 Prin. of Product Realization
EMP6205 Software, Mobile, Web Capstone
EMP6300 Innovation Models for Tech Produ
EMP6301 Design Thinking
EMP6950 Professionalism Seminar
ENG1050 Intro to College Writing
ENG1050H Honors Intro to College Writing
ENG2050 Introduction to Literary Studies
ENG2150 Introduction to Creative Writing
ENG3250 Body Parts: Shakespearean Drama
ENG3620 Contemporary American Literature
ENG3750 Gods and Monsters:Shelley Circle
ENG3760 Science Fiction Cinema
ENG3900 Creative Writing Fiction
ENG3902H Creative Writing NonFiction Hon
ENG4850 Public Service Internship FA/SP
ENG4852 Co-Curricular Internship
ENG4950W Senior Seminar Writing Intensive
ENT2300 Intro to Entrepreneurship
ENT3300 Managing an Entrepreneurial Vent
ESS1050 Environmental Studies Gateway
ESS1060 Environmental Science Gateway
ESS2100 Environmental Research Methods
ESS3085 Environmental Planning + Mgmt
ESS4820 SR Sem/Sustainability Project I
ESS4850 Community Internship
EXP1101 Who Am I?
EXP1104 Curiosity and Learning
EXP1106 Pollution: A Necessary Harm?
EXP1107 Making a Monster
EXP1108 Rebels, Riots and Revolution
EXP1111 Active Citizenship
EXP1112 A World of Monsters
EXP1201 Medicine, Society and Decisions
EXP1402 Environmental Change and Health
EXP1403 Technology and Society
EXP1502 Interaction Genes + Evnironment
EXS1104 Intro-Phys Act,Fitness,Wellness
EXS2250 Research Methods
EXS2345 Strength and Conditioning I
EXS3311 Exercise Physiology with Lab
EXS3347 Exer Testing Tech + Prescription
EXS4080 Kinesiology II, Pathomechanics
FAA3870 Graphic Design 2
FIN2500 Managerial Finance
FIN3315 Corporate Finance
FIN3325 Investments
FIN3500 Fieldwork in Financial Coaching
FIN4010 Business Enterprise Internship
FIN4315 Financial Markets + Institutions
FIN4320 Financial Valuation
FIN4431 Applied Corporate Finance
FIN4433 Portfolio Analysis
FIN4435 Financial Planning
FIN4470 Student Managed Fund
FIN5050 Finance Concepts
FRE1010 Beginner's French I
FRE1020 Beginner's French II
FRE1030 Intermediate French I
FYE1050 First Yr. Experience Exploration
FYE1050H First Yr. Exp. Exploratn-Honors
GCS1700 The Global Zombie
GEN1001 Introduction to Engineering
GEN2010 Mechanics I
GEN4057 Optimization
GEN5057 Optimization
HDE1000 Intro to Human Development
HDE1020 Introduction to Human Services
HDE2200 Intro to Comm Sci and Disorders
HDE2230 Applied Adolescent Development
HDE2240 Adult Development
HDE3000W Research/Applied Stats in HD-WI
HDE3200 Phonetics
HDE3620 Diversity in Practice
HDE4260 Found of Counseling Across Prof
HDE4850 HD Capstone: Field Experience
HDE4851 Human Develop: Field Experience
HDE5010 Dev Emot Comp Soc Maturity Youth
HED6100 Higher Ed in American Society
HED6310 College Student Development Thry
HED6320 Leadership Theory and Practice
HED6350 College Counseling + Advising
HED6515 Higher Ed Fellowship Exp
HIS1106 U.S. Hist: Pre-Contact-Civil War
HIS1107 US Hist: Reconstruction to Prsnt
HIS1119 European Exper: Antiquity to Ref
HIS1120 European Exper: Ear Mod to Pres
HIS1131 World History Since 1500
HIS3000 Special Topics in History
HIS3370 Renaissance, Reformation + Expl.
HIS3438 Early American Republic
HIS3550 Global Empire, Race, and Nature
HIS4991 History Seminar
HON4001H Honors - Senior Capstone
HSC1000 Careers in Health Science
HSC1122 Anatomy and Physiology I w/ Lab
HSC1123 Anatomy and Physiology II w/Lab
HSC1500 Introduction to Public Health
HSC2300 Intro to Nutritional Sciences
HSC2500 Health Behavior and Promotion
HSC3000W Health Science Internship I
HSC3250 Social Determinants of Health
HSC3312 Introduction to Epidemiology
HSC3320 Microbiology for Health Prof/Lab
HSC3336 Human Pathophysiology
HSC3353 Health Coaching
HSC3510 Community Nutrition
HSC5000 Physical Activity Exercise Tech
HSC5100 Advanced Exercise Physiology
HSC5320 Found Chronic Disease Hlth Promo
HSC5320G Foundation Chron Disease Prev
HSC5350 Research Methods
HSC5360 Health Promotion Programs
HSC5380 Foodservice Management
HSC5390 Nutrition Education + Counseling
HSC5420 Fldwrk Exp in Foodservice Mgt
HSC5490 Population Health Analytics
HSC5500 Exercise and Sport Psychology
HSC6200 Sports Nutrition
HSC6250 Nutr Assessment for Hum Perf
HSC6300 Adv Strength and Conditioning
HSC6550 Nutrition Physiology
HSP3100 Hospitality + Tourism Marketing
INT1000 Intro to International Studies
ITA1010 Beginner's Italian I
MEN2050 Coding in MATLAB and 3D CAD
MEN3014 Dynamics and Vibration
MEN3020 Materials Science
MEN3030 Thermodynamics I
MEN3032 Thermodynamics II
MEN4012 Instrumentation/Robotics
MEN4016 Intro Biomechanical Engineering
MEN4050 Manufacturing Processes
MEN4810 Special Topics
MEN4910 Design Project I
MEN5012 Instrumentation/Robotics
MEN5016 Intro Biomechanical Engineering
MEN5050 Manufacturing Processes
MGT1100 Introduction to Business
MGT1100H Intro to Business - Honors
MGT2110 Management Information Systems
MGT2120 Business Statistics
MGT3110 Operations Management
MGT3120 Organizational Behavior
MGT3130 Legal Environment of Business
MGT3260 Leadership
MGT3410 Human Resource Management
MGT3430 Ethics and Social Responsibility
MGT3440 Diversity in the Workplace
MGT3510 International Management
MGT4010 Business Enterprise Internship
MGT4100W Strat Analysis + Dec Making - WI
MGT4900 Special Topics MGT
MGT5130 Technology for Mgt Productivity
MGT5140 Effective Mgrl Communication
MGT5230 Applied Stats for Bus Insight
MGT5310 Leading Effective Teams
MGT5320 Leading Organizational Change
MGT5550 Competition Innov + Strat Advg
MKT2205 Principles of Marketing
MKT3300 Marketing Strategy
MKT3318 Retail Management
MKT3320 Global Marketing
MKT3400 Social Media Marketing
MKT4010 Business Enterprise Internship
MKT4420 Marketing Research
MKT4980 Marketing Seminar
MKT5050 Concepts of Marketing
MKT5310 Innovation + Trends in Marketing
MKT5320 Digital Mkt Implementaiton + Opt
MPA6200 Research Methods and Evaluation
MPA6400 PA Internship/Strategic Capstone
MPA6500 Public Administration
MPA6560 Ethics and Health Policy
MPA6630 Disaster and Emergency Managemnt
MSW5000 Intro to Social Welf and SWK
MSW5001 Antioppresive SWK Practice
MSW5003 Eval of Social Work Practice
MSW5004 Integrated SWK Theory + Practice
MSW5006 Contemp. Social Welfare Policy
MSW5007 Crisis Inter. + Trauma in SWK
MSW6001 MSW Field Education Seminar I
MSW6003 Adv. Generalist Field Seminar I
MTE1410 Foundations of Mathematics I
MTE1411 Algebraic Thinking for Educators
MTH1000 Concepts in Algebra
MTH1003 Intro Math For Business
MTH1007 Quant Reason for Everyday Life
MTH1016 Precalculus
MTH1111 Basic Statistics
MTH1217 Calculus I
MTH1218 Calculus II
MTH1314 Discrete Mathematics
MTH2219 Calculus III
MTH2220 Differential Equations
MTH2423 Topics in Geometry
MTH2527 Probability and Statistics I
MTH3335 Linear Algebra
MTH4343 Intro to Real Analysis
MUS1310 Nature of Music:Art of Listening
MUS1330 Survey of American Music
MUS1340H The Concept Album Pop. Music Hon
MUS1350 Athletic Bands
MUS1351 Jazz Ensemble
MUS1352 Concert Choir
MUS1353 Schola Choir + Liturgical Ensemb
MUS1354 Concert Band
MUS1360 Group Guitar Class
MUS1361 Group Voice Class
MUS1371 Individual Music Lessons Guitar
MUS1372 Individual Music Lesson Voice
MUS1373 Individ Music Lessons Drums
MUS1374 Individual Music Lessons Winds
MUS1375 Individual Music Lessons Brass
MUS1376 Individual Music Lesson Piano
MUS1377 Individual Music Lessons-Strings
MUS2301 Music Hist I: Antiquity to Baroq
MUS3310 Music Production
MUS4900 Directed Study
MUS4910 Music Internship
NUR2000 Nursing Fund. Hlth Assessment
NUR2000CL Nursing FH Assess Clinical
NUR2000L Nursing Fund Health Assess Lab
NUR3000 Medical Surgical Nursing
NUR3000CL Medical Surgical Nursing Clinica
NUR3050 Pathopharmacology II
NUR3600 Community+Public Health Nursing
NUR3600CL Comm+Pub Health Nursing Clinical
NUR3650 Mental Health Nursing
NUR3650CL Mental Health Nursing Clinical
NUR4000 Critical Care Nursing
NUR4000L Critical Care Nursing Lab
NUR4050 Role Transition
PHL1000 Introduction to Philosophy
PHL1000H Intro to Philosophy - Honors
PHL1100 Narratives of the Self
PHL1200 Philosophy Through Film
PHL2020 Perspectives on the Good Life
PHL2060 Biomedical Ethics
PHL2070 Environmental Ethics
PHL2130 Food Justice
PHL2200W History of Ancient Phil-Writ Int
PHL2500 Theories of Justice
PHL2620 The Philosophy of Sport
PHX1050 Found. of Academic Development
PHY2001L Physics Laboratory I
PHY2002L Physics Laboratory II
PHY2201 General Physics I
PHY2211 Physics I
PHY2212 Physics II
PHY2241 Introduction to Quantum Physics
POL1100 Politics of the US
POL1300 Public Administration
POL1500 Comparative Politics
POL1900 International Politics
POL2122 Law and Society
POL2581 Intro to Political Theory
POL3130 Campaigns and Elections
POL3140 Mass Media + American Politics
POL3151 American Constitutional Law
POL3520W Modern China - Writing Intensive
POL3525 Politics of the Middle East
POL4800 Senior Seminar
POL4850W Public Service Internship - WI
POL4852 Public Service Internship
PSY1000 Introduction to Psychology
PSY1100W Psyc Inq and Methodology-WritInt
PSY1111 Professional Devel in Psych
PSY1112 Professional Devel in Psych
PSY2110 Statistical Methods in Psych.
PSY2200 Social Psychology
PSY2270 Group Dynamics
PSY2310 Lifespan Developmental
PSY2400 Personality
PSY2460 Abnormal Psychology
PSY2500 Community Psychology
PSY3150 Behavioral Neuroscience
PSY3150L Behavioral Neuroscience Lab
PSY3340 Developmental Psychopathology
PSY3470 Clinical Practice
PSY4800 Directed Study
PSY4810 Directed Research
PSY4900 Psychology Seminar
PSY4910 Senior Thesis Research I
PSY4950 Field Experience: Internship
RTS1000 Saint Augustine Short Intro
RTS1010 World Religions
RTS1100 Christianity in Context
RTS1947H Saints Sinners + the Sacred- Hon
RTS2400 Sex, Politics, Rel.,St Augustine
RTS2450 History of Christian Thought
RTS2700 Science and Religion
RTS2820 Bioethics/Healthcare:Theological
RTS3400 American Catholicism
RTS4850 Internship in Ministry + Rel.Ed.
RTS5010 Intro to Study of Spirituality
RTS5040 Spirituality Relig Diverse World
RTS5600 Seminar in the Spiritual Life I
RTS5650 Practicum in Spiritual Direction
RTS5750 Independent Research
SCC5010 Foundations of School Counseling
SCC5020 Diversity+Culture in Counseling
SCC5100 Counseling Theory
SCC6000 Mental Hlth Assmt Intvnent Schls
SCC6055 Adv Seminar Youth Counsel + Serv
SCC6060 Trauma Informed Counsel in Sch
SCC6520 Practicum I
SCC6530 Practicum II
SCC6560 Schl Adjustment Counsel. Pract I
SOC1000 The Sociological Imagination
SOC1700 Social Problems
SOC3330 Race and Ethnic Minorities
SOC3450 Sociology of the Family
SOC3660 Immigration Law + Policy
SOC4000 Internship
SOC4815 Directed Study
SOJ1000 Intro to SocJustice: Theor+Pract
SOJ1000H Intro to Social Justice - Honors
SPA1010 Beginner's Spanish I
SPA1020 Beginner's Spanish II
SPA1030 Intermediate Spanish I
SPA1040 Intermediate Spanish II
SPA1300W Spanish Native/Heritage Speakers
SPA1520 Latin Am and Span Contemp Film
SPA3700 Special Topics
SPM3000 Introduction to Sport Management
SPM3005 Sports Marketing
SPM3315 Sport Finance and Economics
SPM3500 Legal Environment of Sports
SPM4000 Sport Management Practicum
SPM4250 Facilities and Event Management
STM1010 Foundations of STEM
STM3000 STEM Capstone
THR1510 Acting I
THR1515 Theatre Practicum
THR2505 The Politics of Performance
THR2540 Introduction to Playwriting
THR3550 Theatre Arts Capstone Seminar
THR4900 Directed Study - Theatre
THR4910 Theatre Internship
VPA1110 Intro Visual + Performing Arts
VPA3960W Method+Scholarship VPA - Writ In
WGS1010 Intro Gender Race Sexuality Stdi
WGS1010H Int Gend Race Sexuality Std-Hon
WGS2010 Intro to Race and Ethnic Studies
WGS3000 Gender,Race+ Environ. Justice
WGS3290H Women, Gender, and Business
WGS3300 US Women's History
Not Applicable
Adams, John G.
Agbaw-Ebai, Maurice
Aghara, Rachel
Ahn, Taesoo
Aiello, Brittnie L.
Aman, Nurul Samiul
Anderson, Thomas J.
Andujar, Daruenie
Armsden, Kurt M.
Armstrong, Callie
Arterian, Diana
Asgari, Sadegh
Bagley Koyle, Susan
Baldock, Brandi
Banasiewicz, Andrew
Bandeira de Mello, Rodrigo
Bannon, Bryan E.
Baro, Fadimbe O.
Bateman, Kelley
Beauchesne, Michael P
Beebe, Samuel
Begin-Stearns, Tiffany Marie
Benedetto, Richard
Benedict, Brandy
Benes, Sarah
Benton, Jeremiah
Berkes, Charlotte A.
Bharath, Leena P
Bixby, Sean
Blanchard, Joanna DiNaro
Bonanno, A.Kenneth
Bordogna, Paula M.
Bouchard, Christine M
Bowling, April
Bradley, Michael J.
Brahim, Maria I
Brault, Elizabeth
Brooks, Christopher T.
Bruno, Samantha
Burns, Kathleen Mulgrew
Butler- Mokoro, Shannon
Butterworth, Meredith
Caira, Angela M.
Caldwell Jr., Rickey
Canetti, Yanitzia
Cannon, Andrew O.
Cannon, Emily O.
Capaldi, Franco M.
Carleo, Robert A.
Carlson, Cynthia H.
Cavallaro, Lisa
Chandler, Catherine
Chang, Yuchun Regina
Chatterton, Martin
Chen, Fan
Chen, Grace
Chiarelli, Joseph W.
Chiesa, Nicole S.
Clarke, Patricia
Cohen, Matthew
Comora, Sarah
Conceison, Robert
Connolly, Mark
Corcoran, Michael
Cordano, Mark
Corey, Alexandra
Costa, Jillian
Cote, Andrew
Coughlin, Sean
Courville, Erin H.
Cozad, Laurie
Cristiano, James J.
Cullinan, Megan
Cummings, Louise G.
D'Ambrosio, Paul J
Daly, Maureen A.
Dardompre, Carey
Darling, Peter
Davila, Maria T.
Davis, Jewel
de Pena, Joanna
DeFilippo, Julie
DeFranzo, Theresa
Denault, Jacques M
Dewey-Rosenfeld, Katherine
DiGiulio, Cinzia
DiSalvatore, Nicholas
Dlugos, Raymond F.
Dobbs, Kirstie L.
Dolan, Colleen M.
Drinan, Valerie
Duffy-Comparone, Emma
Duffy, Maryellen
Dumas, Emily
Eisman, Carl
Ellard, Peter
Enright, Edward J.
Evans, Jennifer C.
Everett, Katrina
Fernandes, Paulo
Fernandez, Anthony L.
Fernandez, Cristina
Fichera, Maria F
Fitzpatrick, Ellen
Flaherty, Anne
Flores, Wilmary
Fontaine, Dennis J.
Forrest, Kristy
Fotino, Karen
Fragoudakis, Roselita
Frame, Mariko
Franco, Jimmy U.
Fuller, Lisa
Galinski, Marie
Gallagher, John A.
Garrone-Shufran, Stephanie
Gatling, Anne P.
Geresy, Paul J.
Gibbons, Lauri D.
Gillette, Jacqueline
Gilman, Euthemia
Gilson, Erinn C.
Glod, Carol A.
Gomez, Frank
Goudreau, Jennifer
Gould, Mark A.
Guindon-Nasir, Jill
Gurley, Rhonda
Haggerty, Megan
Hajec, Brenda Ayers
Hall-Seelig, Laura L.
Hall, Ashley Nicole
Hameed, Tahir
Han, S.Bruce
Hanley, Brian
Hardway, Christina L.
Hartman, Sarah
Hawthorne, Rebecca
Healey, Christopher
Healey, Thomas J
Heffernan, George
Hennessey, Daniel F.
Herda, Daniel E.
Higgins, Allison M
Hinton, Hugh
Hopkins, Birgid U.
Hopping, Barry W.
Hovis, Jeffrey
Howland, James
Hsu, Laura
Huot, Lemar
Hyman, Michael
Iandoli, Stephen J.
Ierardi, Janet
Jin, Sirkwoo
Jordan, Courtney
Kaklamanos, James
Kamenova, Tsvetina
Kang, Seunggu
Kapelner, David
Kay, Nancy J
Kay, Warren A.
Kelley, Joseph T.
Kerns, Bryan
Kezim, Boualem
Killian, Brigid
Kim, Seung-Hwan
Kimball, James E,, III
Kinney, Dennis K.
Kokkotos, Fotios
Kurdziel, Laura
Kurkul, Katelyn
Laramie, Anthony J.
Larkin, Benjamin
Latiano, Jonathan
Lazzaro, Kristen
Lee, Mee_Kyung
Lesniewski, Thomas J
Li, He
Lippman, Mark
Longo, Rachael
Lucia, Nicole
Lucia, Peter D
MacLaren, Ronald
Madden, Daniel
Mallen, Linda
Mandell, Howard
Mansen, Dorie
Mansfield, Aaron
Marginean, Diana C
Mascolo, Michael F.
Mastrangelo, Alexandra
Maylor, Andrew W.
Mazzola, MaryRose
McDormand, Melissa
McDowell, Kristy
McDowell, William
McFarland, Kathleen M
Mcgowan, Stephanie
McGravey, Kevin J.
McHugh, Mary Ann
McKinnon, Margaret
McLaughlin, Christine
Meeker, Annarita
Michals, Debra
Miller, Bradley J
Miller, Kerin
Milne, Sharon
Mobley, Michael
Modica-Napolitano, Josephine
Moolman, Daniel C.
Mooney, Raymond F.
Moradi, Kaveh
Morgenstern, Susan
Morse, William W.
Morton, Alvin,, III
Mulhern, Ian
Mullaney, Stephen
Mulvaney, Katy
Muro, Denise
Murphy, Katelyn
Na, Kilhoe
Natale, Elizabeth
Noori, Azam
Nugent, Katie
O'Brien, Lisa M.
Ocasio-Rivera, Wanda I.
OGorman, Mary E
Oh, Seungbin
Ouedraogo, Ines
Papazian, Mary
Parent, Jane
Parkes, Alexander
Peacock, Jessica L.
Perez-Carrasco, Andres
Perks, Lisa G.
Philcrantz, Taylor
Piatelli, Michael
Picillo, Gail
Pineda, Tricia W.
Plocha, Aleksandra
Poloskey, Leah K.
Provencher, Brian A
Pruett, Laura M.
Pulecio, Mauricio
Raponi, Sandra
Regan, Caitlin
Reilly, Brian E.
Reppert, Jamuna
Riley, Julie
Rizzo, Joshua Steven
Robins, Walker
Rocha, Lauren N.
Rojas, Peter
Rowland, Dana P.
Ruddy, James
Ruggiero, Joseph
Russell, Alison
Sacco, Christine
Saenz De Viguera, Luis
Salemi, Peter L.
Salemme, Kevin W.
Salerno, MaryBeth
Sannella, Maria
Sanyal, Abhijit
Sarofian-Butin, Dan
Sawyer, Alison
Sawyer, Sarah
Scott, Nicole
Seitchik, Allison E.
Shaw, Christine A.
Shaw, Diane Elizabeth
Shaw, Raymond James
Shen, Xiaorong
Sherman, Zoe A.
Shirley, Amy
Shockro, Sally J.
Shonkoff, Eleanor Tate
Sills, Kathleen M.
Silva, Ana C.
Silva, Patrick R.
Silverman, Michael
Simmons, Christopher
Simmons, Sarah
Simonson, Brandon
Smith, Katherine
Smith, Susan H.
Smith, Theresa
Snow, Renee Elyse
Soto, Christina N.
Soto, William
Spencer, Melissa
Spitzer-Merkowitz, Andrea
Stasio, Joseph R.
Steere, John
Stephan-Wiles, Nathalie
Stokes, Jared
Stroud, Michael J.
Stroud, Rena L
Stuetzle, Christopher
Syed, Janet
Szivak, Tunde
Taitelbaum, Sharon
Tannebaum, Rory P.
Theberge, Stephen M.
Thibodeau, Laura
Thiruvengadathan, Sujatha
Tosic, Daniela
Turner, Jacob S.
Ugwoegbu, Edmund U.
Unsal, Omer
Vatalaro, Paul A.
Vaughan, Jacey J.
Vaughan, Michael
Veatch, Cynthia
Veletzos, Marc
Villegas, Mayreni
Vinokur, Sophia
Viselli, Joseph
Vlahos, Dan
Vogel, David G.
Vorderer, Susan M.
Vos, Daniel
Walsh, Kristen S.
Wamboldt, Andrea
Welby, Kathryn
Wessel, Harry
Westphal, Christine
White, Gwyne
White, Lisa
Wians, William
Wilkins, Katherine
Worthley, James
Wynn, Nancy
Yan, Zi
Yetter, Alyssa
Zager, Brian
Zelek, Shannon
Zhao, Fang
Zimdars, Melissa
Zipper, Paul T.
Zwickau, Brenda
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