Leaves of absence are granted to students in good academic and disciplinary standing who determine that circumstances necessitate a temporary interruption of their college careers. An approved leave of absence guarantees readmission to the College within the next calendar year and allows students to complete the degree requirements that existed before the leave period. Students on an approved leave may request to extend that leave, but will be held to any changes in the College curriculum or their programs of study occurring during their leaves. (See the section on the determination of degree requirements in the Academic Catalog) Matriculated students need to request a personal leave of absence by completing this application and submitting it to the Registrar’s Office. The Registrar’s Office will then forward the application to the Dean of Students. Authorization for leaves of absence will be granted by the Dean of Students upon review of the student’s application. Please consult the Undergraduate Student Handbook for more information on the procedure for submitting a leave of absence request. The guaranteed readmission may be revoked if the student’s conduct while on leave is such that it would have resulted in disciplinary discontinuance had he or she remained at the College. The student retains the right of appeal in such cases. Acceptance for return as a resident student is always contingent upon space in the residence halls. Any student who wishes to live on campus upon his or her return must place his or her name on the waiting list maintained by the Office of Resident Life. Students on leaves of absence of more than one year’s duration may be held to any changes in the College curriculum or their programs of study occurring during their leave. Upon return, a student’s academic circumstances, including academic monitoring and/or probation, will remain the same as it was when the student was granted a leave. Acceptance for return as a resident student is always contingent upon available space in the residence halls. Please refer to the refund and grading policies in the Academic Catalog for information on any potential refund if a leave is granted.
See Programs