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    Merrimack Overnight Guest Registration


    • Residential students may also register guests to visit in the residential area and for an overnight stay (including commuter students). Students who would like to register an overnight guest must have consent from their roommate(s) and fill out the Overnight Guest Registration Form (located on the Office of Residence Life webpage) 72 hours in advance of the visit. 

    • Parents & Guardians, or guests that are over the age of 30 should not be registered as overnight guests. Requests that are received for those fitting this description will not be approved.

    A host is any Merrimack College student with whom a guest is associated, whether that guest is registered or not. The following policies apply to hosting a guest:

    • Guests must be with their host at all times

    • Guests must be at least 16 years of age and all overnight guests must be at least 18 years of age unless prior approval has been obtained from the Office of Residence Life

    • Guests must possess valid photo identification and a valid guest pass issued by the Office of Residence Life

    • Overnight guests may not be hosted by a resident student more than four days in a month, and guests cannot stay overnight on campus for a total of more than four days in a month, regardless of host

    • Guests are subject to all Merrimack College policies, Community Standards, and Residence Life policies

    • Hosts are responsible for the behavior of their guests and may be held accountable for any policy violations

    • Guests who are not accompanied by a host or who do not adhere to Merrimack College policies, Community Standards, and Residence Life policies may be asked to leave immediately and/or may be removed and trespassed from campus

    • Students are not permitted to host more than two guests at the same time with the exception of weekends designated by the College, during which the number may be restricted further

    • Guests are not permitted during break periods, reading days, or final examination periods

    • Students who do not register a guest are still responsible for their guest while on College property.

    More Information

    For more information on Merrimack College’s overnight guest policy, please consult the Student Handbook

    Please select the date of arrival when registering your guest. If registering for a Friday or Saturday please select the Friday of the weekend you are trying to register for and then select the arrival date as Saturday.

    Unavailable / Filled
    Not Scheduled
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